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Beamsville Wine Tour

September 8th, 2012


Dinner by Bistro Parisien at 

Calumus Estate Winery


all wines from Calumus Estate Winery


A selection of breads with sweet butter

Cosmic White


Grilled lobster, shrimp and scallops over polenta 

with light Asian spices

2010 Gewurztraminer 


Hubbard Squash ravioli with Mascarpone Parmesan cream

2009 Pinot Noir


Grilled pork tenderloin, over white bean stew 

with kale and pork belly

2009 Cabernet Franc


Grilled peaches and pineapple rosemary balsamic glaze and

 Roquefort shortbread

2009 Late Harvest Vidal 


Coffee & Tea


2012 Annual Wine Tour – Menus
2012-Annual WIne Tour – Calamus WInes